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to be widely extended from Tripoli to Bornoii, and to be excellent food for camels.

MoNocoTYLEDONES. Tlic numbcT of species belonging to this primary division contained in the herbarium is alto- gether seventy. But Gramineae and Cyperacese being excluded, thirteen only remain, namely, three species of Juncus, a single Commelina, three Melanthacese, three Asphodelese, one species of Iris, and two Aroidese, of which Pistia Stratiotes is one.

Of these thirteen plants, two appear to be unpublished, both of them belonging to ^lelanthaceoe. The first, a congener of Melanthium punctatum, wdiich is also in the collection, was found in Pezzan.

The second is a species of CoIcJticiim, very different from any hitherto described ; and which yet, by Mr. Ritchie, who first observed it, is said to be common in the desert near Tripoh, where it was also found by Dr. Oudney.

This species, which 1 have named Colchicum RitcJdiy is easily distinguished from all its congeners by having two cristas or membranous processes, which are generally fim- briated, at the base of each segment of the perianthium, parallel to each other and to the intermediate filament. But this character, though excellent as a specific difi'erence, is neither of generic importance, nor sufficient to authorise the formation of a separate section.-^

242] Bulbocodium and j\Ierendera, however, which, following Mr. Ker,~ I consider as belonging to Colchicum, appear to me decidedly to form subgenera or sections, and in this opinion I am confirmed by having found a fourth section of the same genus. This fourth subgenus is estabhshed on ITypoxis fascicdlaris, a plant which has been seen by very few botanists, and Avhich Linnaeus introduced

' Colchicum {Hermodact^lus) Rltchii, limbi laciniis basi intus blcristatis ! fasciculo 2 — multifloro, foliis linearibus.

Obs. Spathce 2-S-florfc; limbi laciniaj vel lanceolatse acutiusculte vel ob- longce obtusas; cristas laciniarum omnium sa?pc fimbriato-iiicisa?, exteriorum nunc integerrimffi, Ovula in singulis ovarii loculis biseriala, placeutarum niarginibus approximata; nee ut in C. antumnali quadriseriata,

8 Botan. Magaz, 1028.

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