of the Congo, 110; proportion of, to Phænogamous plants, 110; species found in Central Africa, 288; characters distinguishing Leguminosæ from Rosaceæ and Polygaleæ, 291-2; relation of pistillum to calyx and axis of spike, 292—294
Lemna, ovulum of, in what respect differing from the usual structure, 448
Leontice thalictroides, its supposed fruit a naked seed, which had burst its pericarpium in a very early stage, 361
Lepidodendron, affinity of Triplosporite to, 588
Lepidostrobus, its analogy with Triplosporite, 583, and probable generic identity with, 589-90
Leptostomum, character of the genus, and observations on its structure and affinities, 352—355
Liliaceæ, peculiarity in the winged seeds of certain, 449
Liliaceous plants, bulb-like seeds of certain, their structure and economy, 361-2
Lime of the banks of the Congo, probably of Asiatic origin, 156
Lindley, Dr. John, his hypothesis of the structure of Reseda, 283-4; his idea of impregnation in Orchideæ, 495; and of the structure of the ovarium in Orchideæ and Orobancheæ, 557—562
Lobelia, divisible perhaps into several genera, 33
Lobeliaceæ, proposed as a separate order, 33
Lockhart, David, plants collected by him on the banks of the Congo, 99, 173
Loganieæ, an order or section intermediate to Rubiaceæ and Apocineæ; observations on the order and on its distribution in Terra Australis, 37; further observations on the order and on the genera composing it, 132; its only combining character, perhaps not more than of generic importance, 132
Lolium perenne, supposed molecular motion in the grains of pollen, possibly a circulation of the granules, 530 note
Lomentaceæ, observations on the order and on its natural distribution in Terra Australis, 23
Loranthus and Viscum form a distinct family, 129
Lunaria Libyca, constitutes with Alyssum maritimum a genus to be called Koniga, 265
Lycopodiaceæ, affinity of Triplosporite to, 588
Mærua rigida, characters and description, with observations on its structure and affinities, 280-1 and note
Magnoliaceæ, form a natural class, with Dilleniaceæ, 13; not found in Africa, 151
Maize, brought from America to the banks of the Congo, 155
Malpighiaceæ, observations on the order, and on the species found in the vicinity of the Congo, 105
Manioc brought from America to the banks of the Congo, 155
Malvaceæ, a natural class, including Malvaceæ, Juss.; Sterculiaceæ, Vent.; Chlenaceæ, Du Petit Th.; Tiliaceæ, Juss.; and Buttneriaceæ, R. Br., 11; Hermanniaceæ added, 109; observations on the class, 109; species found in Central Africa, 288
Malvaceæ, observations on the order, and on its distribution in Terra Australis, 11; on the species found in the vicinity of the Congo, 109
Mangroves, enlargement of the embryo, and its consequences, in various species of true and spurious, 363-4
Maranteæ, structure of flower in, 49
Melanthaceæ, observations on the order and on the species in the collection from Central Africa, 298
Melastomaceæ, observations on the order, and on the species found in the vicinity of the Congo, 117; partial cohiesion of ovarium in several genera of the order, and peculiar function of the tubular interstices for the lodgment of the inflected antheræ, 117; limits, structure, and generic division of the order, 118; Memecylon and Petaloma both belong to it, 118
Melville Island, list of plants collected