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obligingly permitted me to examine these, and even to dissect such as were new. For the like privilege I am indebted to the friendship of Mr. Aiton of Kew, who sent me his whole collection, peculiarly valuable as containing many of the original specimens of Mr. Masson : and lastly, I have to acknowledge the great assistance I have derived from the extensive collection presented to this Society by my friend Dr. Roxburgh, who during his short residence at the Cape appears to have paid particular attention to this tribe of plants, and who, besides the many new species discovered by him, has given a greater value to his Her- barium by numerous observations on the sexes, the size, and places of growth, Avhich I have everywhere inserted on iiis authority.



Calyx tetraphyllus v. quadrifidus, Eestivatione valvata.

Corolla nulla.

Stamina quatuor, (altero nunc sterili,) laciniis calycis op posit a.

Ovarium unicum, liberum. Stylus simplex.

Stigma subindivisum.

Semen (pericarpii varii) exalbuminosum.

Embryo dicotyledoneus, (raro polycotyledoneus,) rectus. Badicula infera.


Frutices v. Arbores vix excelsae ; rarissime Herbae.

Rami in plerisque annotino-umbellati.

Folia sparsa, nunc verticillata v. opposita, persistentia, exstipulata, indivisa v. varie dentata, seu incisa profundiusve laciniata, rarissime vere composita.

Inflorescentia subspicata, modo laxius, in racemum v. corymbum floribus saepe geminatis, nunc densius congesta

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