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marck in P. pini folia, was first ascertained in Auhix and the present genus (as Mr. Dryander informs me) by our countryman Masson, during his last residence at the Cape of Good Hope, and is beautifully illustrated by that eminent botanical painter Mr. Francis Bauer, in his un- published drawings preserved in the Banksian collection. Numerous observations on the same subject have also more recently been made by Dr. Roxburgh and Mr. Niven, who have bestowed much pains in ascertaining its limits, of which, as far as regards the African part of the family, Mr. Salisbury has given an accurate account in his Essay already quoted. The Dissertation of Thunberg, who was wholly, unacquainted with this separation of sexes in these plants, is necessarily imperfect, and he has, in several cases, described the different sexes as distinct species ; and thus also Bergius has founded his genus Aulax on the male of a species, whose female he had previously published as a Leucadendron. On the other hand, Jussieu, deceived by the resemblance in inflorescence, between Brabejmn and the spiked species of Protea, has erroneously suspected these to be monoicous, while he has totally overlooked the truly dioicous nature of the present genus.

f Nux ventricosa, stylo toto calyceque persistentibns. C 52

1. L. argenteum, arboreum, foliis lanceolatis argenteis : marginibus ramisque villosis, bracteis involucrantibus abbre- viatis tomentosis, calycibus masculis sericeis.

Scolymocephalus Africana, foliis sericeis argenteis longis acutis. Herm. Cat.

Leucadendros Africana, arbor tota argentea, sericea, foliis integris. Atlas Tree. D. Herman. Pluken. Phyt. t. 200, /. 1, ramulus sine floribus mice separata ; forte speciei dis- tinctae.

Conifera salicis facie, folio et fructu tomento sericeo can- dicante obductis, semine pennato. Sloane in Philos. Trans, 17, p. 6G4, strobilus cum fructu separato.

Frutex iEthiopicus conifer, foliis lanuginosis omnium maximis. Breyn. Prod. 2, p. 66.

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