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masses inserts lingulm communi brevi lato-lineari mem- branacece albce e glanduld subrotundd apicis stigmatis ortce. Stigma anticum cavum subrotundum viride secernens. Brown MSS.

The plant here described is the only certain species of Lissochilus ; Cymbidium giganteum, however, according to Thunberg's description, may also belong to the same genus. This genus, in affinity, comes nearest to those plants of South Africa at present referred to Limodorum and Cym- bidium, namely, Limodorum barbatum, triste, longicorne, and perhaps also hians of Thunberg (not, however, Satyrium Irian s, Linn, which seems to be a Disd), Cymbidium pedi- cellatum and aculeatum. These, along with several Indian species, also referred by Swartz and Willdenow to Limo- dorum, especially L. virens, wrinatum and perhaps epiden- droides, form a genus (Eulophus) related on the one hand to Lipodium (vide Prodr. Flor. Nov. HolL, p. 300), and essentially agreeing with Lissochilus in the structure of Anthera, but sufficiently different from it in its trilobed crested labellum, which is neither cordate nor connected at base with the column. In both these characters Lisso- cliilus equally differs from Angr cecum of M. Du Petit- Thouars, which has also an elongated spur, and a con- siderably different habit.

Among the plants at present referred to Limodorum, another very distinct genus may be noticed, consisting of Limodorum veratrifolium, and judging from Kaempfer's figure, L. striatum also. This genus (Calanthe) agrees with Bletia in having eight pollen-masses, but differs from it in the claw of the labellum being connected with the column. It is not unlikely that this may be the Cyanorchis of M. Du Petit-Thouars, who will probably hereafter pub- lish it under a different name. Broivn MSS.

Bot. Reg. 573 [578 by mistake in orig.] (1821).

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