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164 The Model Engineer and Practical Electrician. February 13, 1930.

Model Aeronautics. Model Aeroplane Propellers. By W. E. Evans (S.M.A.E.) AIRSCREWS screw their way through the air like a wood-screw when turned moves through a piece of wood; but, as air is not a solid, it gives considerably against the pressure of a propeller blade, which causes the propeller to have a marked percentage of slip. That is to say, if a propeller is designed theoretically to travel 100 ft. forward in 100 revolutions, the actual distance traversed may be only 75 or 80 ft. Allowance for slip must, therefore, be made in designing a model propeller for a given performance. This percentage of slip may be kept fairly low by skilful design combined with correct relation between thrust area and resist- ance of the machine. The success or failure of a flying model depends more upon the suitability of the propeller than many people imagine. propeller should be correctly designed, well carved and properly balanced to give the best possible results. Bent wood propellers were almost universally in use many years ago, but are now generally discarded as being crude, and aero-dynamically inefficient. They are, there- fore, omitted from this article. Metal Propellers. A Metal propellers, I believe, will soon super- sede the carved wood propellers for efficiency. As I have not yet had an opportunity of carry- ing out a series of tests with these, the subject of metal propellers must be left for a future occasion. But so far as my observation goes I am of opinion that because metal propeller blades can be much thinner than wood blades, the resistance is less, revolutions are greater and therefore the forward speed and static thrust is greater for the same power applied. Designing a Propeller. The propeller of a model aeroplane should be the final part of the complete machine to be designed and made because there are important factors to be considered, and they are-the wing- loading and the resistance of the model at various speeds. These cannot be accurately ascertained from drawings as the materials required cannot be accurately weighed, and, therefore, the wing-loading cannot be known, although this may be fairly well estimated by an experienced builder. Having finished the model excepting propeller, we can find the wing loading by weighing the model and adding the weight of a suitable propeller and measuring the area of the plane; then, by rule of propor- tion, we obtain the number of ozs. per square foot of lifting surface. Suppose a model weighs 12 ozs. and has a wing area of 2 sq. ft., the loading is 6 ozs. per sq. ft. Flying speeds, that is cruising speeds where a model flies a horizontal course, vary as the square root of loading. Opposite is a useful table of cruising speeds in miles per hour and feet per minute for various loadings from 4 to 8 ozs. Then there is hardly anything known at present about the resistance, or drag, of model aeroplanes, and herein lies an important field for experiment by aero-modellists, a suitable group of whom would be the Research Committee of the Society of Model Aeronautical Engineers. For the present we must be content with the bald statement that it is necessary for a pro- peller to give a static thrust of at least one- quarter the weight of the model, i.e., a machine weighing 12 ozs. must have a propeller which will give a static thrust of 3 ozs. at the number of revolutions at which it should fly the model. Static Thrust, As a member of the Research Committee of the S.M.A.E., I have tested about fifty model aeroplane propellers, all of 10 ins. diameter, to get comparable results. The apparatus for carrying out these tests was exhibited on the stand of S.M.A.E. at THE MODEL ENGINEER Exhibition, 1929, so will not be described here, but a feature of the apparatus is complete absence of friction owing to the motor and revolution indicator, in fact, everything except the scale for reading the number of ozs. thrust being suspended by fine wires. Some import- ant results were obtained. Firstly, it was established that when the number of revolutions. were increased 50 per cent., the static thrust increased 70 per cent, or more. Similarly, when the revolutions were doubled, the static thrust was increased by 170 per cent. Therefore, although a propeller may not fly a model at the usual number of revolutions, it will do so if the revolutions are increased sufficiently. But, of course, duration will be sacrificed to attain this end. Secondly, the static thrust of 10-in. propellers of good design and medium pitch is approximately 1 ozs. at 1,000 revolutions per minute. Therefore, this size propeller cannot be expected to fly a model weighing 8 ozs. or more at that speed. At 1,500 revolutions the thrust rises to 3 ozs., but this is faster than the majority of propellers are driven. The maxi- mum thrust at 2,500 revolutions is over 7 ozs. This is the result of the maximum output of motor, but graphs indicate that at a still greater number of revolutions the static thrust would still increase at the same rate as before up to an unknown point. Loading. 4 ozs. Miles per hour. Feet per min. 12.0 1,056 12.7 1,122 13.4 1,152 14.1 1,212 14.7 1,296 15.3 1,344 7 39 15.9 1,398 16.4 1,446 17.0 1,494 " Blade Width and Diameter. 'Thirdly, the best results so far as static thrust is concerned are obtained if the blade width is kept to medium proportions, being neither narrow nor wide. The best width for a pro- peller of 10 ins. diameter was found to be