Page:Model Steam Locomotives by Greenly Henry.pdf/27

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Model Steam Locomotives

7 ft. 8 in, singles, with their high-pitched boilers, show whaf can he done in the direction of increasing ihe boiler power of a single.

Fig, 21.—The G.W.E. Bogie Singles, The 4—2—2 Type.—The model of the G.N.R. single

(Fig. 20! shows a type of 4—2—2 engine fitted with driving wheels of the largest dimensions used in recent years, that

Fig, 22,—-Atlantic 3} in, Gauge Model Locomotive.

is to say, 8 ft. 4 in. diameter on tread. The boiler is, of course, limited in all directions except in length of fire box, and in this particular example the trailing wheel of the front bogie has very little lateral play owing fo the

close proximity of the crosshead and slide bars. In a18