Page:Modern Greek folklore and ancient Greek religion - a study in survivals.djvu/633

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Sabazian mysteries, 585

Sabazius, in form of snake, 586

Sacrifice (see also Human Sacrifice), 335 ff.;
  at launching of ship, 266;
  at laying foundation-stone, 264;
  at opening of quarry, 265;
  at weddings, 326;
  human, 262 ff.;
  to genii, 276;
  to genii, Slavonic influence upon, 268

Sacrifices, classification of, 338

Sacrificial omens, 319

Saints, functions of, 55;
  functions suggested by names of, 56;
  offerings made to, 58;
  sometimes reputed immoral or malign, 56;
  substituted for ancient gods, 43;
  with titles denoting locality, function, etc., 55;
  worship of, 42

S. Artemidos, cures children 'struck by the Nereids,' 44;
  successor to Artemis, 44

'Saint Beautiful,' 164

S. Catharine, 303

S. Demetra, at Eleusis, 80;
  Eleusinian legend of, 80

S. Demetrius, successor to Demeter, 44

S. Dionysius, successor to Dionysus, 43

S. Elias, responsible for thunder, 52;
  successor to Helios, 44

S. Elmo's light, 286

S. George, displacing Theseus or Heracles, 45;
  legend concerning, 261

'S. John of the Column,' 58

S. John the Baptist, 37, 304

S. Luke, as painter, 301

S. Michael, successor to Hermes, 45

S. Nicolas, 340;
  patron of sailors, 287;
  superseding Poseidon, 75

Salt-cake, 303

Salt, dissolving of, as magical ceremony, 388 f.

Satan, delivering persons unto, 406

Saturnalia (in Greece), 221

Satyrs and Centaurs, closely related, 236

Satyr-dances, 229

Scylla, replaced by modern Gorgon, 188;
  parentage of, 173

Scyros, faith-cure at, 62

Sea-nymphs, 146

'Seizure,' by Nymphs, 142

Serpents, as incarnations of heroes, 274

Shadow, as genius, 289

Shadow-victims, 265

'She-devils,' Nereids so called, 149

Sheep-dogs, 32

Shooting-stars, 286

Shoulder-blade of sheep, used for divination, 321 ff.

Sieve, employed to detain Callicantzari, 196-7

Sieves, divination from, 331

Sileni, 230

Silicernium, 535

Sins, deadly, 409 f., 425 ff.

Sirens, 187

Slavonic immigrations, 26;
  influence on belief in vampires, 376 ff.

Sleep and Death, 543

Sleeping in churches, 61

Small-pox, personified, 22

Snake, as genius of Acropolis, 260;
  auspicious in house, 328;
  bearded, 274;
  unlucky to meet on road, 307

Snakes, as manifestations of deities, 275

Snake-form, assumed by genii (see Genii)

Sneezing, as omen, 330

Socrates' familiar spirit, 291

Sophocles, popular form of imprecation utilised by, 419

Sorcery, punishment of, 409

Sosipolis, story of, 272

Souls (see Ghosts)

Soul and body, relations of, 361 ff., 526 ff.;
  re-union of, 538

Soul-cult, Rohde's theory of, 529, note 1

Soul, emancipation of, 515 f.;
  Homeric conception of, 517 f.;
  Socrates' teaching concerning, 516

Spitting, to avert malign influences, 14, 307

Stars, baneful influence of, 10, 11

Stoat, unlucky to meet, 307

Striges, 179-184, 211;
  Italian origin of, 180;
  intercourse of devils with, 416;
  precautions against, 181;
  prey upon children, 181;
  stories concerning, 182-3

Strigla, 282

Sucking-pig, as victim, 483

Suicides, 408

Sun, relics of worship of, 44

Surrogate Victims, 355

Swallow-song, 35

Sympathetic magic, 264

Taboo, 87, 357

Taenarus, descent to Hades at, 45

Tartarus, 98

Telonia, 284;
  local usages of name, 287

Temples, as treasuries, 96;
  converted to churches, 45

Tenos, Church of Annunciation at, 45, 58;
  faith-cures at, 60;
  miraculous icon of, 301

Thargelia, 356

'The Beautiful One of the Earth,' 97

'The Great Lady,' 163

'The Lady Beautiful,' 163

'The Lamia of the Sea,' 171

'The Lamia of the Shore,' 171