Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/69

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And here it will be useful to give the following figures : Hyderabad State : Area, 82,698 sq. miles. Population, 13,374,676. Density per sq. mile, 162. Telingana division : Area in sq. miles, 41,320. Population. 6,724,964. Density per sq. mile, 163. Marathwara division : Area in sq. miles, 41,378. Population, 6,649,712. Density per sq. mile, 161.

Thus it will be seen that His Highness's Dominions are not very densely populated when compared with other parts of India, a fact worth noticing, because density of population has, no doubt, much to do with unrest and discontent among Indians.

When I asked a Hindu in the Warangal division why people appear to be more contented in the Hyderabad State than in British India, he replied : — "Because they are not so crowded."

The following figures as regards density of population are of interest: —

Presidency of Bengal : Area in sq. miles, including Cooch Behar and Hill Tippera, 84,092 sq. miles. Population, 46,305,642 persons. Density per sq. mile, 551.

Presidency of Bombay : Area in sq. miles, 186,923. Population, 27,084,317 persons. Density to the sq. mile, 145.