Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/71

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crops, jowari, bajri, and cotton cover a larger area.

The following figures are important : —

State of Hyderabad : Percentage of total area cultivated 53.7. Ditto of cultivated area which is irrigated 6.2. Under rice 4.4. Wheat 3.7. Pulses 7.4. Other crops 84.5. Normal rainfall 30.2 inches.

Telingana : Percentage of total area cultivated 38*8. Ditto of cultivated area that is irrigated 13.0. Rice 10.3. Wheat 0.4. Pulses 5.5. Other crops 83.8. Normal rainfall 32.7 inches.

Marathwara : Percentage of total area cultivated 68.6. Ditto of cultivated area that is irrigated 2.4. Rice 1.1. Wheat 5.5. Pulses 11.1. Other crops 82.0. Rainfall 27.7 inches.

The Census tells us that during the past decade Telingana has increased in wealth and population, while Marathwara has decreased as regards prosperity and inhabitants, and it suggests that in the Census for 1911 the wild and nomadic tribes in the forest districts of Telingana have been more accurately enumerated than was the case in 1901. Large tracts of land have been reclaimed from the jungle in Telingana during late