Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/89

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almost half a many capital crore (of rupees), though works are being financed from revenue. Further, in three years time the Berar famine loan and in eight years time the Two Crore loan will be extinguished. British government rupees eighteen lakhs a year are now devoted to the payment of these two loans. Finally there is every reason to anticipate a steady increase in revenue as the country is developed by roads, railways and irrigation. Of course famine may at any time cause a set back to the prosperity of the State, but people and government are now better prepared to face such a calamity than they were fifteen years ago when the last serious famine occurred."

The government revenue receipts for 1321 Fasli (1911-1912) were Rs. 5,04,13,240, and the principal heads of revenue during that period were as follows : —

M. S. Rs.

Land Revenue . . 2,34,20,266

Customs . . 74,42,720

Excise . . 81,51,635

Opium . . 7,04,825

Forest . . 9,11,020

Stamps . . 9,57,166