Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/9

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their return to cantonments. But in any case His Highness does not wish his contribution to fall below sixty lakhs, the sum offered by the late Nizam to Queen Victoria in the days of the Russian crisis, and he places that sum at the disposal of the Viceroy. His Excellency in acknowledging this magnanimous offer says: "The traditional loyalty of your house and all its rulers to the British Government has always been notorious and has been proved on many an occasion of difficulty and danger and the present demonstration of loyalty to our King-Emperor and of a heart-felt desire to help the Empire is only one more proof, if such were needed, of Your Highness's intense patriotism and devotion. I shall not fail to inform His Majesty the King-Emperor of Your Highness's most patriotic offer, which I gladly accept on behalf of the Government of India and at the same time express my most cordial thanks."