Page:Modern Manners.djvu/11

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A. A widow continues to wear the wedding ring during her lifetime unless she becomes engaged to marry a second time. Following the announcement of her engagement, she ceases to wear her first wedding ring.

Q. How are flowers addressed when sent to a funeral?

A. They are addressed to the deceased.


Q. What are the general rules for laying or setting a table properly?

A. First cover the table with a silence cloth or table padding, thin white blanket or heavy cotton flannel, or an asbestos pad made specially to fit the table.

The tablecloth should be large enough to fall from ten to twelve inches below the edge of the table. The center of the cloth should be exactly in the center of the table.

The knife and fork are placed one inch from the edge of the table, knife at the right with the sharp edge toward the plate; fork at the left, tines turned up. The other pieces of silver are parallel with these, and placed with the piece to be used first farthest from the plate. The knives, oyster fork, and spoons are at the right and the other forks at the left.

The glass is placed at the tip of the knife.

The butter plate is placed at the tip of the fork, and a little to the left.

The napkin is placed at the left of the forks with the folds at the upper and left hand sides.

Q. Please give me general rules for serving dinner.

A. The guests are served first.

Place and remove from the left.

Pass to left.

Everything relating to a course should be removed at the end of that course.

Folded napkin and a small tray should be used in serving.

Fill glasses three-quarters full just before the meal is announced.

Used dishes should be removed first, then food, next clean dishes, etc.

The guests stand behind or beside their chairs and are seated from the left when the hostess gives the signal.

Q. What is a “cover”?

A. This term applies to the table furniture for one person.

Q. Where is the head of the table?

A. The place occupied by the mistress of the house is so regarded.

Q. Is the dinner napkin entirely unfolded and laid across the lap?

A. No. One fold is left in the napkin.

Q. In what sequence are forks and knives placed?

A. The salad fork is placed next to the plate. Secondly comes the meat fork; then fish fork. Next to the plate, to the right, is the meat knife; adjoining it is the one for fish. Besides these lie soup spoon, oyster fork, or fruit spoon.

Q. What position does the salad plate occupy?

A. It is placed to the right of the diner.

Q. When one is not using a knife, in which hand is the fork held?

A. In the right.

Q. How should guests be seated at table?

A. At a formal dinner, the lady of honor sits at the right of the host and the one next in importance at his left. At right and left of the hostess sit the two most important men guests. Others