Page:Modern Manners.djvu/24

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In an Apartment House

Q. Is the management of an apartment house responsible for mistakes or oversights made by the employees?

A. This would depend on the individual case. If there is an office, all requests and orders should be left at the desk. Messages and orders should never be given to the hall men or elevator boys.

Q. Should a wife’s card appear on the letter box or door of the apartment?

A. It is customary to use the husband’s card in the space provided for the name.

Q. Is it permissible to shake a duster or mop out of the window of an apartment building?

A. It is not only inconsiderate of those living below, but in most cities it is unlawful. Nothing should ever be thrown out of windows.

Q. How late may one play musical instruments in an apartment house?

A. This is governed by the house rule, which in most instances is 11 o’clock.

Q. Are cats and dogs allowed in apartment houses?

A. Most apartment house leases read that they are not permitted, but whether this clause is strictly enforced depends upon the individual management.

Q. Should garbage cans and trash baskets be put outside the door at night?

A. No. These should never be put in the hall until shortly before the stated time for them to be collected by the trash man.


Q. When a person calls another on the telephone who should say “Goodbye” first?

A. The person who makes the call should terminate the conversation.

Q. When a person is connected with the telephone number he is calling is it correct to ask of the person answering, “Who is this?”

A. No. This should never be done. He should first inquire if he has the number which he called, and then ask for the person with whom he wishes to speak. For instance, upon being connected with a telephone number one should say, “Is this Cleveland 2639?” If answered in the affirmative then he should ask, “May I speak with Miss Dunbar?”

Q. Does the fact that a person leaves his name upon calling another on the telephone and finding he is out mean that he wants that person to telephone him?

A. When a person leaves his name upon making a telephone call it is considered by many to signify that he wishes the person he is calling to call him back, even though he does not leave a specific message to this effect.

Q. Should one say “please” in asking for a number?

A. When central repeats the number it is appropriate to acknowledge the correctness of her understanding by saying, “If you please” instead of merely “Yes.” If she repeats it incorrectly, repeat the right number.

Q. Why should one be bothered with polite phrases to the telephone operators? Is not phoning purely a business matter?

A. One is courteous in business. Courtesy will get you better service, will sound much better to people in your home who hear you, and should be instinctive with well-bred people.