Page:Modern Manners.djvu/28

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A. While there does not at present seem to be any strict ruling on this, one is not usually worn. This is probably because hats which are worn in the evening are generally not suitable for a veil. However, if one is wearing a small hat on a windy night, she may wear a veil to protect her hair.

Q. Should silk stockings be worn with knickers?

A. No. Women wear knickers only for camping, hiking, etc., and silk hose are most inappropriate.


Q. Is it regarded as effeminate for men to wear wrist watches?

A. If such an idea ever existed, the World War dissipated it. The wrist watch was found convenient and practical. Since the War, its popularity has increased rather than diminished.

Q. When is it proper to wear a tuxedo and when a full dress suit?

A. A tuxedo is worn upon informal occasions after six o’clock. It is appropriate to wear at the theater; at most dinners; at informal parties; when dining at home; and when dining in a restaurant. Full dress is worn at the opera; at an evening wedding; at a dinner to which the invitations are worded in the third person; at a ball or formal evening entertainment; at certain state functions on the continent of Europe in broad daylight.

Q. What kind of collar should be worn with a tuxedo?

A. The Correct Dress Chart of The Haberdasher says that a wing collar may be worn. A suitable tie is a wide black bow.

Q. Is it proper to wear military medals on evening clothes?

A. A paragraph from an article on military insignia by Colonel Wyllie states that in civilian life decorations should be confined to appropriate ceremonious occasions. On civilian evening clothes miniatures may be worn. These are exact replicas of the full-sized medals and ribbons made on the scale of about one-half. This authority on the wearing of military insignia further states that military men in uniform wear medals only on full dress occasions.

Q. Should a cane be carried with evening clothes?

A. Yes. A plain Malacca or wood cane is proper. A gold or silver band or top is correct.

Q. What sort of gloves are worn with evening clothes?

A. At the opera or a ball, white kid. On the street, white buckskin or gray or khaki doeskin.

Q. What sort of gloves should a man wear who drives his own car?

A. He may keep motoring gloves or gauntlets for use while driving, and carry the proper gloves for the occasion to put on when he leaves the car.

Q. When should spats be worn?

A. They are permissible with business or afternoon dress.

Q. May golf clothes be worn except on the links?

A. Only for sports, or on informal occasions in the country.

Q. What clothes are proper at a funeral?

A. Pallbearers wear formal afternoon dress, cut-away or frock coat, silk hat, black waistcoat, black bow tie or four-in-hand. Other men may wear any inconspicuous clothes, preferably dark.