Page:Modern Parnassus - Leigh Hunt (1814).djvu/52

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Is love thy subject? Let the dying swain,
To "pale Phingari's trembling light," complain[1].
Would'st thou array thy hero in a coat?
Albania's sons will lend "the white capote[2]."
To grace the arches of a sacred aisle,
France gives "a fleurs de lys, or a quatre feuille[3]."

  1. But others say, that on that night,
    By pale Phingari's trembling light,
    The Giaour, upon his jet black steed,
    Was seen. . . . . . .
    Giaour, 467.

  2. And pensive o'er his scattered flock
    The little shepherd, in his white capote,
    Doth lean his boyish form along the rock.
    &c. &c. &c.
    Childe Har. can. ii, 51.

  3. The darken'd roof, rose high aloof,
    On pillars lofty, light, and small.
    The keystone, that lock'd each ribbed aisle,
    Was a fleurs de lys, or a quatre feuille,
    Lay of the Last Minstrel, can. ii.