Page:Modern Parnassus - Leigh Hunt (1814).djvu/63

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Their very names perchance to him unknown,
Their maxims ne'er prescrib'd, nor models shown.
Self taught on native genius to rely,
He leaves the aid, which other times supply[1].
With gay delight, he sweeps the easy lyre,
While parents urge him, and their friends admire.

At length, when time has thrown the manly vest
O'er the full stature of the Bard profest;

  1. The case and happiness, which our youthful bard experiences, in the disregard of all obsolete maxims, entirely gives the lie to the portentous denunciation of Vida.
    Infelix autem (quidam nam sæpè reperti)
    Viribus ipse suis temerè qui fisus et arte,
    Externæ quasi opis nihil indigus, abnegat audax
    Fida sequi veterum vestigia.
    Poet. iii, 245.