Page:Modern Parnassus - Leigh Hunt (1814).djvu/67

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From ev'ry theme alike, or grand or low,
As leaves on trees, unnumber'd thoughts will grow,
But lest these stores the wav'ring choice confuse,
An easy maxim guides th' obsequious Muse.
When wild'ring fancies crowd upon the brain,
Secure the leader of the airy train[1].
Doubting impedes the freedom of the lay,
Augments the labour, throws the time away;
Looks like the abject toil of slavish art,
Shows more the thoughtful head than feeling heart.

  1. By this means you avoid the fatigue prescribed by the old writers.
    Quinetiam augustis si non urgebere rebus
    Cum fandi tibi mille viae, tibi mille figurae
    Occurrunt, tum mille yias, tum mille figuras
    Nunc hanc, nunc aliam ingredere et mutare memento.
    Vid. Poet. iii, 32.