Page:Modern poets and poetry of Spain.djvu/180

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Thy ruby lips a moment brief
Thou opest, and sorrow seals!
How fair the very show of grief
Itself in thee reveals!

Insensate! how I wildly thought
My bitter griefs would gain
Some ease, if thou wert also taught
A portion of my pain!
Pardon the error that deceived,
O, Sylvia! I implore;
Me more thy sorrow now has grieved,
Than thy disdain before.

My bliss! I pray no more to swerve!
Calm those heart-breaking pains:
Thy grief to have, does not deserve
All that the world contains.
May all life's hours, in calm serene,
Be ever pass'd by thee;
And all that darker intervene
Reserved alone for me!

For me, whose lonely wretched doom
By heaven has been decreed.
To bear fate's cruelty and gloom,

Wherever it may lead.