Page:Modern poets and poetry of Spain.djvu/277

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And on the floor of gold brocade
A cushion one might see,
Which by its sunken pressure show'd
The marks of bended knee.
And on the pure white walls were hung
Bright arms along the space,
And interspersed were banners,
And trophies of the chase.
An ornamental table stood
In the middle of the floor,
On which a well-tuned lute was placed,
Though partly covered o'er;
A rich-cut board for game of draughts,
And a coffer by its side
Of silver filigree, and jars
With chosen flowers supplied.

The Lady near the balcony
Sat very pensively,
In a great gilded chair of state,
Whose back was formed to be
A canopy, or cover o'er,
And in gay curvings down
Were lions, castles, and the whole
Surmounted with a crown.
Her dress a silken robe of green,

Which show'd a various tinge,