Page:Modern poets and poetry of Spain.djvu/309

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A short narrow shoe for us to see?
Much be the good it will do to thee!

Can it be possibly true, Jerome,
Though yearly he sees his rents decrease,
When his fat steward shall bring him home
His bills, will sign them as he may please?
Without any search to scarcely skim?
Much be the good it will do to him!

Fabio wedded with Jane, when above
A sixpence they neither had, but then
"He loved her so!" Long life to that love,
Bravo! tomorrow if he seem fain
To hang himself with vexation grim,
Much be the good it will do to him.

Wouldst thou engage with the bulls in fight,
My friend! thy wish to be gratified,
When to the best champion known will light
Some luckless thrust give through the right side?
To try thy skill thou art surely free:
Much be the good it will do to thee!

Martin goes a poor rabbit to chase,
When he could buy for a trifle one
Fully as good in the market-place;

And he gets fever-struck by the sun!