Page:Modern poets and poetry of Spain.djvu/428

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In a Lady's Album.

As on sepulchral marble writ
A name to stay the passer-by,
So let my name on this page meet
Thine eyes, for which, alas! I die.
Look on it when I am far from thee;
My love asks no return more dear;
As of one dead remember me,
And think my heart is buried here.

It was only on translating the last line that I recognized them as Lord Byron's.

Written in an Album.

As o'er the cold sepulchral stone
Some name arrests the passer-by,
Thus when thou view'st this page alone
May mine attract thy pensive eye.
And when by thee that name is read
Perchance in some succeeding year,
Reflect on me as on the dead,
And think my heart is buried here.

48. Page 275. "Sonnet, Dedication," &c.

A mi Esposa.

Cuando en mis venas fèrvidas ardia
La fiera juventud, en mis canciones
El tormentoso afàn de mis pasiones
Con dolorosas lagrimas vertia.
Hoy à ti las dedico, Esposa mia,
Cuando el amor mas libre de ilusiones
Inflama nuestros puros corazones,
Y sereno y de paz me luce el dia.
Asi perdido en turbulentos mares
Misero navegante al cielo implora,
Cuando le aqueja la tormenta grave;
Y del naufragio libre, en los altares
Consagra fiel à la Deidad que adora
Las hùmedas reliquias de su nave.

This sonnet, and the two following translations, are taken respectively from pages 8, 18 and 46 of the first volume of the