Page:Modern poets and poetry of Spain.djvu/66

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To exalt himself; and if he gain his end
His brow on all beneath will haughty bend;
And sleep, and joy, and inward peace, the price
To splendour of command, will sacrifice:
Yet fears the while, uncertain in his joy,
Lest should some turn of Fortune's wheel destroy
His power in deep oblivion overthrown.

 Another seeks, with equal ardour shown,
For lands, and gold in store. Ah! lands and gold,
With tears how water'd, gain'd with toils untold!
His thirst unquench'd, he hoards, invests, acquires;
But with his wealth increased are his desires;
And so much more he gains, for more will long:
Thus, key in hand, his coffers full among;
Yet poor he thinks himself, and learns to know
His state is poor, because he thinks it so.

 Another like illusion his to roam
From wife and friends, who flying light and home,
To dedicate his vigils the long night
In secret haunts of play makes his delight,
With vile companions. Betwixt hope and fear
His anxious breast is fluctuating drear.
See, with a throbbing heart and trembling hand,

There he has placed his fortune, all to stand