Page:Monier Monier-Williams - Indian Wisdom.djvu/37

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together by increased facilities of communication, and St. Paul's grand saying—that God has made all nations of men of one blood (Acts xvii. 26)—is being brought home to us more forcibly every day. Steam presses, as well as railroads and telegraphs, are doing a great work, and bringing about rapid changes. They are everyday imposing upon us new duties and responsibilities in the opening out of hitherto unexplored regions. Surely, then, we are bound to follow the example of the great Apostle of the Gentiles, who, speaking to Gentiles, instead of denouncing them as ' heathen,' appealed to them as ' very God-fearing' (8«(nSai|uoi,'«<m'poi;s), and even quoted a passage from one of their own poets in support of a