Page:Monk and miller's wife.pdf/12

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“Syne as the sp’rit gangs marching out,
“Be sure to lend him a sound rout:
“I bidna this by way of mocking,
“For nought delights him mair than knocking.”

Hab got a kent—stood by the hallan,
And straight the wild mischievous callan
Cries, “Radamanthus Husky Mingo,
“Monk, Horner, Hipock, Jinko, Jingo,
“Appear in likeness of a priest,
“No like a deil, in shape o’ beast,
“With gaping chaffs to fleg us a’:——
“Wauk forth, the door stands to the wa.”

Then frae the hole where he was pent,
The priest approach’d right weel content;
Wi’ silent pace strade o’er the floor,
’Till he was drawing near the door;
Then to escape the cudgel ran,
But was na miss’d by the gudeman,
Wha lent him on the neck a lounder,
That gart him owre the threshold founder.
Darkness soon hid him frae their sight:
Ben flew the miller in a fright;
“I trow (quoth he) I laid well on;
“But wow he’s like our ain Mess John.”