Page:Monsieur Bossu's Treatise of the epick poem - Le Bossu (1695).djvu/44

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The Contents.

Concerning the Machines.
Chap. I. OF the several sorts of Deities. p. 215.
Chap. II. Of the Manners of the Gods. p. 218.
Chap. III. How the Gods act in a Poem. p. 222.
Chap. IV. When one must make use of Machines. p. 225.
Chap. V. How the Machines are to be used. p. 228.
Chap. VI. Whether the Presence of the Gods is any Disparagement to the Heroes. p. 230.
Concerning the Thoughts and the Expression.
Chap. I. THe Foundation of this Doctrine. p. 235.
Chap. II. Concerning Descriptions. p. 239.
Chap. III. Of Comparisons or Simile's. p. 244.
Chap. IV. Concerning Sentences. p. 247.
Chap. V. Concerning disguis'd Sentences. p. 251.
Chap. VI. Concerning several other Thoughts. p. 257.
Chap. VII. Of the Expression. p. 260.
Chap. VIII. How one ought to judge of the Elocution of a Poem. p. 263.
D'Acier's Essay upon Satyr. p. 267.
Monsieur Fontanelle upon Pastorals. p. 277.


PAge 2. Line 34. read Of Epick Poesie. p. 9. l. 12. for Morals r. Manners. P. 10. l. 24. r. Regimens. p. 14. l 29. r. Of the Fable. p. 28. l. 18. r. so much as desiring. p. 29. l. 27. r. Cutting off his Enemies. p. 43. l. 24. for Model r. Draught. p. 50. l. 11. r. at an end. p. 65. l. 16. for this r. that. p. 72. l. 40. for the r. this, King of Kings. p. 110. l. 11. r. Obligation. p. 112. l. 10. r. Ilus. p. 121. l. 31. r. Glaring. p. 138. l. 29. for yes r. lies. p. 139. l. 9. for two r. too. p. 148. l. 33. for he follows his Advice r. whose Advice he follows. p. 149. l. 15. r. concerning the Continuity. p. 151. l. 14. for two r. too. p. 168. l. antepenult. r. that these are not vices. p. 171. l. 17. r. relentless. p. 174. l. 16. r. to distinguish. p. 182. l. 35. for Faces r. Phases. p. 187. l. 4. r. Valet. p. 197. l. 22. r. dazzling. p. 203. l. 15. for Print r. Rein. p. 208. l. 11. r. Glaring. p. 213. l. 12. r. Raze: ibid. l. 17. r. and to break down Bridges. p. 214. l. ult. r. Spaces. p. 217. l. 13. r. to own. p. 218. l. 34. r. in this sort of Writing. p. 226. l. 1. for learn r. leave. p. 245. l. 36. r. to an Amazon. p. 250. l. 10. for befel r. be felt. p. 263. l. 26. for Projections r. Proportions.
