Page:Moonfleet - John Meade Falkner.pdf/61

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is weak in these parts against the contraband, and must be strengthened by some wholesome hangings."

"They are a bloody pair," another put in, "and we shall have new gibbets on Ridge Down for leading lights. Once I get even with Maskew, the other may go hang—ay, and they may hang me too."

"The devil send him to meet me one dark night on the down alone," said some one else, "and I will give him a pistol's mouth to look down, and spoil his face for him."

"No, thou wilt not," said a deep voice, and then I knew that Elzevir was there too; "none shall lay hand on Maskew but I. So mark that, lad, that when his day of reckoning comes, 'tis I will reckon with him."

Then for a few minutes I did not pay much heed to what was said, being terribly straitened for room, and cramped with pain from lying so long in one place. The thick smoke from the pitch torches too came curling across the roof and down upon me, making me sick and giddy with its evil smell and taste; and though all was very dim, I could see my hands were black with oily smuts. At last I was able to wriggle myself over without making too much noise, and felt a great relief in changing sides, but gave such a start as made the coffin creak again at hearing my own name.

"There is a boy of Trenchard's," said a voice that I thought was Parmiter's, who lived at the bottom of the village—"there is a boy of Trenchard's that I mistrust; he is for ever wandering in the graveyard, and I have seen him a score of times sitting on this tomb and looking out to sea. This very night, when the wind fell at sundown, and we were hung up with