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ings; but ſhe was ſo touchy there was no living with her. Sometimes when he went home it would be nothing but my dear and my love, and ſhe would have a nice ſupper ready for him, and you would think they were the happieſt couple in the world, when, all of a ſudden, ſhe would bring up old grievances, and talk of former quarrels which he had forgot, till a new one ſprung up, entirely through her aggravating ways, which generally ended in fighting. Then ſhe had, he ſaid, another provoking cuſtom, which was coming to fetch him from the alehouſe ; this, he added, he never would bear. Mr. Andrews replied, that, to be ſure, it was very wrong for a woman to do ſo, becauſe it was acting as if ſhe had authority over her huſband, inſtead of her huſband over her ; but at the ſame time, the good gentleman observed, that he thought the beſt way for Tom Kingsman, was to tell his mind to his wife in private, and in a good-humoured kind way, and that when ſhe found he would not go home with her, and that ſhe made herself ridiculous, ſhe would doubtless give up the point.

Will Hudson said, he had a wife who would provoke a saint; for ſhe was always taking jealous fancies into her head. All the world could not persuade her that he did not give his company to other women, and yet he was certain he had not given her