Page:More Australian legendary tales.djvu/96

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Wayambeh the Turtle and Woggoon the Turkey

Wayambeh the turtle was the wife of Gougourgahgah, the laughing jackass. They had a quarrel when the time came for Wayambeh to lay her eggs. She was going as her tribe did to the sand beside the creek, there to make a hole and deposit them; but Gougourgahgah said that was a mad thing to do, a flood might come and wash them away. She should lay the eggs in a hollow tree.

Wayambeh said: "How shall I get into a hollow tree? And even if I did get there how should I get sand up to cover the eggs? And how would the sun shine on the sand to heat it and hatch them out?"

"How was I born, and my mother before me?" asked Gougourgahgah, answering her question with another, going on, "My wife can do surely as our mothers did?"

"I am a Wayambeh, and it is right only for me to do as the Wayambehs do. Does a child not take its name from its mother? My children will be Wayambeh even as I am. I shall go to my own tribe."

Straight went Wayambeh to the creek where her tribe