Page:Morley--Travels in Philadelphia.djvu/49

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were reminded by these social phenomena that we had not lunched. In a neighboring beanery we dealt with a delightful rhubarb pie, admiring the perfection of the waitress's demeanor. Neither too condescending nor too friendly, she laid the units of our repast upon the marble table with a firm clank which seemed to imply that our eating there meant nothing to her; yet she hoped we might find nourishment enough not to die on her hands.

The assorted attractions of North Ninth street never fail the affectionate stroller. Novelty shops where mysterious electric buzzers vibrate and rattle on the plate-glass panes, and safety razors reach bottomless prices that would tempt even a Russian statesman to unbush. Picture shops, where such really delightful sentimental engravings as "The End of the Skein" cause soft-hearted bystanders to fly home and write to dear old grandmother; wine shops where electric bulbs shimmer all day long within pyramids of gin bottles. "Stock Up Before July First!" cries the vintner. "There's a Bad Time Coming!" And he adds:

We know a man who sells a
quart of water with a little
cheap whisky in it
If you really want a highball
buy our, etc.

The animal shops always attract the passers-by. One window was crowded with new-hatched