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cret, controlling Providence is manifest in Smith’s leaving that fatal gift, by which this gross imposture shall be made finally to convict and stultify itself.

IV. A still more obvious resemblance is found in the sensual element introduced into both. It needs few words to establish this charge against the Arabian imposture. The world knows that Mohammed practised, and that the Koran sanctions, polygamy; yet it should be always borne in mind that this social enormity existed before his day, and prevailed generally throughout the East. All that is fairly. chargeable upon Islamism, is, that it sanctioned a plurality of wives. So far from originating it, Mohammed recognised it as a permanent feature of Eastern society, and rather restricted than expanded the privilege to his followers. It was not lawful to exceed a given number, though by special favor his own harem was enlarged to the extent of his desires. From the charge, however, of ministering to the appetites, by providing a sensual Paradise for the faithful after death, he cannot so easily be acquitted. Delightful fruits, exquisite wines, the richest apparel, a profusion of rubies and pearls, sumptuous abodes, black-eyed maidens, and above all, perpetual youth giving zest to enjoyments which no indulgence can blunt; all these form, not the language of parable figuring the inconceivable spiritual blessedness of the faithful, but with offensive literalness, they minutely address every sense and appetite, both of body and of soul. The influence of these sensual rewards, upon the warm blood and quick fancy of oriental nations, can scarcely be measured; especially when obtained upon the easy condition of perfect devotion to the Prophet of Allah.

It was denied that polygamy formed one of the features of Mormonism, as long as the infant sect was thought unable to sustain the shock of public indignation. A Church, whose boast is development, may be expected to put forth new traits, when the credulity of its devotees will warrant the disclosure. But whether the spiritual-wife system is a new revelation, or whether it was one of the esoteric doctrines from the beginning, it is now avowed and defended as an integral part of the scheme. No feature of this new dispensation appears so curious or adventurous,