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§ 125

‑on (Brit. nom. sg. ‑ō, pl. ‑ones) § 121 i: athro, pl. athrawon § 76 v (5), athraon § 36 iii; keneu w.m. 483 ‘whelp’, pl. kanawon w.m. 28, canaon § 36 iii, cỿnawon r.m. 18, cỿnavon r.p. 1209, late cenawon; draig ‘dragon’, pl. dragon, later dreigeu Ỻ.A. 153, now dreigiau; lleidr ‘thief’, pl. lladron; Sais ‘Englishman’, pl. Saeson § 69 ii (2), Ml. W. sg. Seis Ỻ.A. 120, pl. Saeson b.b. 60, 66, r.b.b. 41, 71, etc., Saesson b.b. 48, 51, b.a. 4. On ych (affection of *wch), pl. ychen, see § 69 v.

Edn a’i draed ydwy’n y drain,
A’r glud ar gil i adain.—T.A., a 14866/201.

‘I am a bird with his feet in the thorns, and the lime on the edge of his wing.’

Hwde un o’i hadanedd;
E heda byth hyd y bedd.—I.F., m 160/456.

‘Take one of its [the swallow’s] wings; it will fly always till death’ [lit. ‘till the grave’].

Llathen heb yr adenydd
Yn y saeth a dynnai sydd.—Gut.O., a 14967/50.

‘There is a yard without the feathers in the arrow which he drew.’

Mai nodwydd ym mlaen edau
Y mae lliw hon i’m lleihau.—D.G. 296 (? T.A.).

‘As a needle threaded, does her aspect make me spare.’

Aur a dyf ar edafedd
Ar y llwyn er mwyn a’i medd.—D.G. 87.

‘Gold grows on threads on the bush [of broom] for the sake of [her] who owns it.’

Ni’m cymer i fy rhḯain:
Ni’m gwrthyd f’anwylyd fain.—D.G. 429.

‘My damsel will not have me: my slender love will not reject me.’

Er bod arian rhïánedd
Fwy na’i bwys ar faen y bedd.—H.D. p 99/402.

‘Though there be [of] maidens’ money more than his weight on the gravestone.’

Fy mrawd, mi a rois fy mryd
Ar ddau genau oedd gennyd.—G.I.H., p 77/384.

‘My brother, I have set my heart on two whelps that thou hadst.’

Kedyrn ac ievainc ydynt,
Kynafon aur Kynfyn ynt.—Gut.O., p 100/343.

‘Strong and young are they; they are the golden scions of Cynfyn.’

p 2