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pan ẟoy di, yr yscolheic? Pan ẟoaf, arglwyẟ, o Loygɏr w.m. 76 ‘Whence comest thou, clerk? I come, lord, from England.’ In the answer pan has become a relative, so that the original meaning would be ‘whence I come, lord, [is] from England’. pan is similarly used in the answer when it occurs as a relative (for yẟ) in the question; o ba le pan ẟeuy di? Pan ẟeuaf, heb ynteu, o’r dinas r.m. 275 ‘from what place [is it] that thou comest? I come, said he, from the city’. On pan rel., see § 162 iv (3).

(7) Early Ml. W. cw, cwd (cwt), cwẟ ‘where?’ ‘whence?’ ‘whither?’

mor, cv threia cud echwit​…​Redecauc duwɏr​…​cvd a​…​cv treigil, cv threwna(?), pa hid a, nev cud vit b.b. 88 ‘The sea, whither it ebbs, whither it subsides​…​Running water, whither it goes, whither it rolls, where it settles (?), how far it goes, or where it will be’. kwt ynt plant y gwr w.m. 453 ‘where are the children of the man?’ (in the r.m. 101 ble mae for kwt ynt). Neu nos cwt ẟyuyẟ, kwẟ ẟirgel r͑ac dyẟ b.t. 41 ‘or night, whence it comes, whither it recedes before day’; cwẟ vyẟ nos yn arhos dyẟ do. 28 ‘where the night is, awaiting the day’. Ny wtant cwt (t) ant P.M. m.a. i 284 ‘they know not where they go’.

(8) pi-eu ‘to whom belongs?’ See § 192.

ii. Many interrogative expressions are formed by combining pa, py with nouns and adjec­tives; thus

(1) pa un, pl. pa rai ‘which?’ (followed by o ‘of’), pwy un is also found.

Am ba un o’r gweithredoedd hynny yr ydych yn fy llabyddio i? Ioan x 32. gwraig i bwy un o honynt yw hi? Luc xx 33. Pa rei vu y r͑ei hynny Ỻ.A. 17 ‘which were those?’

pa un is also used sometimes for ‘who?’ as dywet titheu​..​pa un wyt ti s.g. 57 ‘and do thou say who thou art’.

pa un and pwy un are sometimes contracted to p’un and pwy’n; thus pun wyt r.m. 222 ‘who thou art’ (for w.m. 154 pwy wyt); Brig kŵyr, pwy ni ŵyr pwy’n yw S.Ph. c 19/274 ‘(Maid of) the waxen hair, who knows not who she is?’

(2) pa le, ple, ble ‘where?’ ‘whither?’ o ba le, o ble ‘whence?’ i ba le, i ble ‘whither?’ pa du ‘where?’ ‘whither?’ (These forms sup­planted cw, cwd, cwẟ in Late Ml. and Mn. W.)

Pa le y bu Babel Ỻ.A. 44 ‘where was Babel?’ ble mae plant y gwr r.m. 101, see i (7) above; Pa le yẟ aeth Aẟaf yna Ỻ.A. 13 “quo ivit tunc Adam?” Ble’dd ân’ rhaig blaidd o Wynedd T.A. a 14966/57

u 2