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§ 170

my advice avails to thee’ i.e. my a. is worth little. Pa obeith yssyẟ ẏ’r porthmyn? Ychydic Ỻ.A. 40 ‘what hope is there for the merchants? A little’. ychydig o nifer Ezec. v 3; ychydig o honaw Job iv 12.

(2) Adj. ychydig [soft] sg. ‘a little’, pl. ‘a few’.

ychydig gysgu, ychydig hepian, etc. Diar. vi 10; ychydig win 1 Tim. v 23.—ychydig bechodau T.A. c 16/13 ‘a few sins’; ychydig ddyddiau Gen. xxix 20; ychydig bethau Dat. ii 14.

(3) ychydig is for fychydig mut. of bychydic: W. bychod ‘small quantity’, bychodedd ‘scarcity, poverty’; Corn. boches ‘a little’, bochesog, bochodoc ‘poor’, Ir. bocht ‘poor’: *buk-so‑t‑, *buk-to‑: with Kelt, b- for *p- to Lat. paucus? § 101 iii (2).

(4) Subst. odid ‘a rarity’.

odit a vo molediw r.p. 1041 ‘a rarity [is he] who is worthy of praise’; ac odit o’r r͑ei hynny ysyẟ yn gristonog­yon Ỻ.A. 165 “quarum paucae [lit. paucitas] sunt Christi­anae”; odid elw heb antur prov. ‘a rarity [is] (i.e. there is rarely) profit without enter­prise’.

ond odid ‘probably’, literally ‘excepting a rarity’.

(5) odid: Lat. paucus, E. few § 76 ii (3).

vi. (1) Adj. aml [soft] sg. ‘many a’, pl. ‘many’; ambell [soft] ‘an occa­sional’.

Aml iawn waedd am Elin wen,
Ami eisiau am elusen.—T.A., c. ii 83.

‘Full many a cry for fair Elin, many a need for charity.’

Ond o hirbell ymgellwair
(O bai well ym) ymbell air.—I.D. 23.

‘But from afar bantering (if it were better for me) an occasional word.’

y mae rhai a graffant ar ymbell air M.K. [vii] ‘there are some who will look at an occa­sional word’. Aml ddrygau Ps. xxxiv 19, dy aml druga­reddau di Dan. ix 18; ambell dro ‘occa­sional­ly’.

The dialectal i sometimes heard before the noun is a recent intrusion (? corrup­tion of iawn as in the first example).

Both these words are used as ordinary adjec­tives, and are compared; see Silvan Evans s.vv.

(2) aml < Brit *amb’lu‑s for *ambilus < *m̥bhi-(p)lu‑, with *plu- for *pₑlu‑: W. llawer ‘many’, Gk. πολύς, see ii (3) above.

ambell < *ambi-pell- ‘mutually far’; for the prefix see § 156 i (4) (b); for the stem § 89 i.

§ 170. i. Subst. neb ‘any one’, dim ‘anything’, are used chiefly with negatives; as ni welais neb ‘I did not see anybody’;