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§ 194

(6) The verb, with the root-form *u̯at‑, see (1), was used without the prefix dy- before na ‘that not’, thus gwadaf na ‘I say that not, I deny that’. Hence gwadaf came to mean ‘I deny’, v.n. gwadu, though an objective clause after it is still introduced by na. With neg. di- in Ml. W. diwat w.m.l. 92 ‘denies’.

Oes a wad o sywedydd,
Lle dêl, nad hyfryd lliw dydd?—Gr.O. 38.

‘Is there an astronomer who will deny that the light of day, where it comes, is pleasant?’

ii. (1) gwaredaf ‘I succour, relieve’: 3rd sg. pres. ind. O. W. guorit juv. sk., Ml. W. gweryt r.p. 1171, l. 5, Mn. W. gweryd Diar. xiv 25, Gr.O. 113;—v.n. Ml. W. guaret w.m. 3, Mn. W. gwared, gwaredu. The verb is quite regular. But in O. and Early Ml. W. the 3rd sg. past is the perf. guoraut juv. sk., guaraud b.b. 39, gwarawt r.p. 1159.

There is also a 3rd sg. pres. subj. gwares seen in gwares Duw dy anghen r.p. 577 ‘may God relieve thy want’, § 183 iii (1).

(2) gwared < *u̯o-ret- < *upo- ‘under’ + *ret- ‘run’: cf. Lat. suc-curro < sub ‘under’ + curro ‘I run’;—gwarawt § 182 ii (1).

iii. (1) dygaf ‘I bring’: 3rd sg. pres. ind. Ml. W. dwc w.m. 398, Mn. W. dwg (≡ dw̄g);—v.n. Ml. and Mn. W. dwyn (≡ dŵɥn). Old 3rd sg. pres. subj. duch § 183 iii (1).

(2) Perf. sg. i. dugum w.m. 42; 2. dugost s.g. 246; 3. duc w.m. 42; pl. 3. dugant c.m. 107, s.g. 246, re-formed as ducsant c.m. 59, dugassant s.g. 16. In Mn. W. the 3rd sg. dug (‑ū‑) remained the standard form, though a new dygodd has tended to replace it in the recent period. But the other persons were re-formed as aorists in the 16th cent., though the older forms continued in use:

Dy wg yn hir y dugum;
O dygais, di-fantais fûm.—W.Ỻ.

‘Thy resentment have I long borne; if I have borne it, I have been no gainer.’

(3) The compound ymddygaf is similarly inflected: v.n., Mn. W. ýmddwyn ‘to behave’, ymddw̄́yn ‘to bear’ § 41 i; perf. sg. 3. ymddug Can. iii 4, in late bibles ymddûg (and so pronounced).

(4) dygaf, dug § 182 ii (2); dw͡yn § 203 iv (3).