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§ 215

(2) er mwyn ' for the sake of, on account of, in order to ' ; er fy mwyn ' for my sake ', etc,

Er dy fwyn yr ydwyffi
Mewn eira yma 'n oeri, D.G. 107.

' It is on thy account that I am shivering here in snow.'

As a noun mwyn meant ' value, enjoyment ', but except in the above phrase was generally replaced by mwynyant in Ml. W. ; thus in K.B. 963, Ni wybyBir mwyn (v.l. mwynyant io > ]6)fi/nnawn yny el yn yspi8 (8ispy8 1076) 'the value of a well will not be known until it goes dry '. As an adj. mwyn means ' gentle, kind, dear ', and is still in use ; cf. E. dear ' costly ' and ' loved '.

mwyn ' value ' < *mei-no-, Vmei- ' exchange, barter ' : Lat. munus, munia.

(3) ymysg (ymijsg} 'in the midst of; yn eu mysg 1 in their midst' ; on mysg ' out of our midst'; i'ck mysg ' into your midst' ; emysc hynny W.M. 33 'in the midst of that' i.e. those hap- penings ; ofyscr, ifysgr.

mysg : W. mysgu 96 iii (5). The idea is 'mixed up with ' ; and there seems no need for Henry's attempt, s.v. em/esk, to connect the word with *medhio-.

(4) yn wysg ' in the track of, after ', Ml. W. yn eu hwysc see below, yn wysc y benn W.M. 55 ' after his head ', i. e. head fore- most. Mn. W. yn wysg fy mhen y yn wysg dy drwyn, yn wysg i gefn, etc.

Mae yr aniveileit y8 aethawch yn eu hwysc P W.M. 86 ' Where are the animals which you went after ? '

wysg ' *track ' implies *, and seems like a case of metath. of t 100 v (? *ped-skio- : Gk. TrcSa '/xera', Lat. pes 'foot', etc.).

(5) yn ethryb 'because of, o ethryb id. J.D.R. [xiv].

Pellynnic vyg khof yg kyntevln
Yn ethrip caru Kaerwys vebin. G., w. 76.

' My mind is far away this Spring, ou account of loving the maid of Caerwys.'

ethryb ' causa, occasio ' D.D. s.v. seems to contain *-9q*- affected 69 ii (4) ; perhaps as a noun-sufF. added to *nter- (* enter 214 vi) ; ' circumstance ' (?).

(6) yn 61 after ', yn dy 61 ' after thee ' ; ar 61 ' after ', ar eu hoi or ar eu holau ' after them ' ; o'm hoi ' behind me ', i'th 61 ' after thee'.

All in common use. 61 149 i.

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