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object generally forms an adverb equivalent, and many such expressions became improper compounds, as Gk. fK-TroScov.

(3) The special adverbial suffixes were (a) forms with a dental, see 162 vi (2); (6) forms with gh- as Gk. Si-xa", see 222 i (3); (c) forms with r, as Lat. cur, W. pyr ' why 1 ' {d) forms with a nasal, as Lat. superne, see 209 vii ; (e) the suffix -s, as in Gk. Si's, Lat. bis. See Brugmann 8 II ii 728-738.

ii. The following- W. adverbs represent old adverbial forms :

(1) Early Ml. W. nu 'now', as Nu nym car-i Guendit B.B. 50 ' Now Gwenddydd loves me not '. The sound was doubtless nw (: Ir. mi), and the Late Ml. nu e.g. W.M. 413, instead of *nw, is a mechanical transcript of the earlier spelling, the word having become obsolete.

nu < Ar. *nu bare stem, beside *nu : Gk. vv, O.H.G., O.E. nu,

Skr. nu, nu.

(2) Early Ml. W. moch ' soon, early, quickly ' e. g. B.B. a.

moch, Ir. mos ' soon ' < *moks = Lat. max, prob. nom. of a cons, stem like vix (: vinco) Brugmann 2 II ii 679 : Skr. maksu 'quickly, soon '.

(3) doe ' yesterday '.

doe = Lat. Am' both from *gMiesei : Gk. x#c's 75 vii (2), 98 i (3).

(4) yrhawg, rhawg 'in future, for a long time to come', Ml. W. yrawc R.P. 1034.

yrhdwg < *j)era-ko-(s) foimed from *pera like *prokos (> Lat. -procus, W. rhag) from *pro : Gk. Trtpa, *irpai<o~ in Ion. Trp^o-o-w (Brugmann 2 II i 481).

(5) hwnt ' hence, yonder ', as Ef hwnt, ef yma B.T. 37 ' It (the wind) [is] there, it [is] here '. Saf hwnt Gen. xix 9 ' stand back '. Dos hwnt M.E. i 125 'go away '.

hwnt, Bret, hont < *som-tos consisting of the demoust. stem *som- 'this', 164 vi, and the suffix *-tos 'from' as in Lat. in-tus 162 vi (2).

(6) yno ' there, thither, then ', yna ' then, there (near you) ', Early Ml. W. ynoeth B.B. 66 'thither', inaet/i do. 58 'then', ot-ynoeb B.T. 19 'then, thereafter', ob-ynaeth R.P. 581 id.

yn ' there, thither ' before the rel. y, yb, yd ' where ', as yn-y tereu tonneu tir B.B. 63 ' there where waves beat the shore ' ; en