Page:Morton - My First Fit of the Gout.pdf/22

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Sir G. No gout ?—no gout? (jumps up) Tol do rol de rol! (skips) Then I may dance again—but only with you, my darling Janet. Tony! Tony!—ha, ha, ha!—throw the crutches out of the window! Captain, I'll walk, ride, run, hop, swim, skate with you for a hundred! Belinda, allow me to present one who adores you.

Tony advances modestly behindSir. George joins the hands of Belinda and Arundel.

Tony. Oh!

Sir G. But what caused these cursed twinges?

Bel. Oh, Tony must explain that.

Sir G. Tony!

They turn and see him extended in a chair.


Tony. Coming!

Bel. What’s the matter, Tony?

Tony. Ah! that voice!

Bel. Are you dying, Tony?

Tony. In course I am!

Bel. Give him air.

Tony. I want no air—I want spirits! (starting up) But I’ll be revenged! I'll give you all———

Bel. What? Poison?

Tony. No—warning!

Rushes off l.h.

Sir G. I confess I have been playing the fool; but as it is not the first time I have done so (to the Audience) and have been forgiven, I trust, with your permission it will not be the last;—and if I am the first of the Martyrs who ever solicited a repetition of his "First Fit of the Gout," it is in the hope that I shall find a sovereign remedy in your indulgent approbation.

Captain A. Belinda. Sir George Jady Janet
r.     l.
