Page:Motoring Magazine and Motor Life July 1915.djvu/20

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Asbestos and
brass wire—

Yes, these and chemical ingredients handled by a directing knowledge form the basis of all good brake lining.

But there is more than these in MULTIBESTOS. Into its warp and woof are woven the ideals of the organization behind it—honesty, sincerity and right dealing.

Perhaps this accounts for the success and popularity of MULTIBESTOS.

Perhaps it accounts for a volume of business increasing at a rate not equaled by any other brake lining manufacturer.

Standard Woven Fabric Co.

Factory, Framingham, Mass.
New York Branch and Export Office

1779 Broadway

BOSTON—F. Shirley Boyd, 175 Massachusetts Ave.
PHILADELPHIA—N. A, Petry Co , Inc., 1309 Raca St.
CHICAGO—F. E. Sparks. 1430 Michigan Blvd.
SAN FRANCISCO—Fred Ward & Son. Inc. Cor. First and Howard Sts.