Page:Motors and motor-driving (1902).djvu/122

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doors closed in bad weather. Large brass gratings capable of being closed should be placed in each of the upper portions of the entrance doors, and these will be found sufficient for the purpose.

It is also desirable to warm the motor-house. This is done at Broomhill by means of hot water. In many cases this method may appear difficult to carry out, and it is no uncommon practice to leave a gas-burner alight to keep out frost or to warm the room for the attendant when the weather is cold. Such a proceeding is clearly not desirable when there is a risk at any time of the presence of an explosive gas. Very simple heating arrangements by means of hot water can be purchased, some using gas and others burning petroleum as the source of heat. The little boiler in this case would be placed outside the motor-car house in a small brick shelter, and the pipe carried through the wall to the coil or coils in the usual manner. For a motor-house such as that which has been described, the apparatus would not cost more than from 5l. to 10l., according to the character of the one selected.

In every motor-car house there should be two or three tinned-iron open boxes, of the nature of waste-paper baskets, about one foot square and two feet high. One of these should be kept filled with dry sand, and contain a small shovel. This is useful in case any benzine should catch fire, to smother the flames. The others are required to throw any waste substances into. Also on the wall there should hang two or three pails, kept full of water, to be ready in case of fire. It must always be borne in mind that water must not be poured on burning benzine, since the spirit would float upon the water, and in a burning state flow all over the place, thus increasing the danger.

There are also important points to be attended to inside the motor-house apart from the building. Always buy the best waste. It costs but little more than the bad quality, and lasts double the time, while it is generally free from dust and grit, and if great saving is desired, it can be boiled down