Page:Motors and motor-driving (1902).djvu/356

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Assuming that the vehicle is in perfect condition for use and the engine has been set going, the first thing to do is to examine the ways and means of starting the carriage either forward or backward, to ascertain how to stop it when desired, and steer it from side to side or round a corner, or to avoid an obstacle. We will suppose that the vehicle is of the Panhard type, with wheel steering and single lever at the right-hand side, giving the speeds forward and reverse. On taking a position in the driver's seat with one foot on each side of the steering column, each foot lightly resting on the two driving pedals, it will be found that the left pedal when pressed down disconnects the engine from the driving mechanism, whilst the right one also does this, but at the same time applies a powerful brake to arrest the motion of the vehicle.

Slightly to the right of the right-hand pedal will be found a smaller pedal set somewhat higher than the other two. This is called the 'accelerator pedal,' and its function is to hold out the governor of the engine and cause it to run at a greatly increased velocity, and so force the vehicle to exceed its regulated speeds. The use and misuse of this valuable adjunct to the motor-car engine will be dealt with later.

The change-speed lever is on the right hand, and by its side is another notched lever which applies a band brake to each of the rear-wheel hubs; also when applied it disconnects the engine from the driving mechanism, so that when one wishes to stop, this brake lever first disconnects the engine and then retards the momentum of the car, thus performing the same function as the two pedals operated by the feet and referred to above. With these general points carefully noted, a start may be made, and we will imagine that the car has been standing as it should be when the engine is running, i.e. with the speed lever in the neutral notch and the side brakes on, and thus, of course, the engine disconnected from the gear.

First Speed.—First place the left foot on the left pedal, press this down as far as it will go and hold it there. Then take off the side-brake lever, move the speed lever forward one