Page:Motors and motor-driving (1902).djvu/431

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the twelve miles an hour limit, the ultimate repeal of which is confidently awaited.

A brief retrospect of the Club's history may not be unacceptable to the more recent recruits to the pastime. In the summer of 1897 a few pioneers met, and mutually agreed to form an Automobile Club. On the 10th of August the Club was formally constituted. Premises were then acquired at 4 Whitehall Court, S.W., and were inaugurated on December 8. By this time 163 members had enrolled themselves, and such good progress was made that by the end of 1898 the membership had attained a total of 380. But already these early devotees were called upon to substantiate their faith, for the revenue of the Club was drained by three extraordinary sources. These were an initial expenditure of 540l. in the establishment of the Club; law costs amounting to 148l. 6s. 4d., owing to a dispute about its title; and the placing of 1l. on deposit from every subscription received, in accordance with the articles of association. A guarantee fund, however, was formed, and amounted to 1,521l. at the close of the year. Mr. Roger W. Wallace, K.C., was the first chairman, and still worthily upholds the office; Mr. Evelyn Ellis and Mr. Frederick R. Simms (the originator) were elected vice-chairmen, with Mr. Frank H. Butler as Hon. Treasurer, Mr. C. Harrington Moore (the Club's first organiser) as Hon. Secretary, and Mr. Claude Johnson as Secretary.

From the outset the Club became an active and virile force in the automobile movement. Its fixture list comprised tours and week-end runs, club dinners (which had been previously founded by Sir David Salomons, Bart), lectures and discussions, and general meetings. It exerted its influence, with others, in preventing the introduction of vexatious clauses affecting motor vehicles in Bills seeking powers for local authorities; it assisted in opposing the Westminster Tramways Bill; and it compiled a list of motor-spirit stores. In July of the same year, moreover, an amalgamation was effected with the Self-Propelled Traffic Association, and the Club thereupon became the