Page:Motors and motor-driving (1902).djvu/440

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Switzerland.—The Automobile Club de Suisse has headquarters at 2 Rue de Hesse, Geneva, and was founded in December 1898, and has 424 members. The officers are:— President, M. Aloys Naville; vice-presidents, MM. Ernest Cuénod, A. Térond, and L. Empeyta; secretary-general, M. Hermann Potry; technical secretary, M. Paul Buchet; treasurer, M. François Panchaud. The annual subscription is 20 frs. The Swiss club is a very active body, and is doing its utmost to increase custom-house facilities and to render homologous the various regulations in force in the different cantons concerning automobile traffic. It is also extending the provision of garages and the sale of petrol among the hotels of the country generally.

Germany.—The Deutscher Automobil Club was founded on July 31, 1899, and has 297 members. Its headquarters are at Sommerstrasse 4A, Berlin. H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Anastasie von Mecklenburg-Schwerin is Patroness, and H.R.H. Duke, Frederick Franz IV. von Mecklenburg-Schwerin and H.E. General von Podbielski, Secretary of State, are honourary members. The president is H.I.H. the Duke of Ratibor, and the vice-presidents are Major Count Clemens von Schdnborn-Wiesentheid and General von Rabe. The secretary is Baron von Molitor. The annual subscription is 100 marks and the entrance fee 100 marks. Lady members pay half these amounts.

Austria.—The Oesterreichischer Automobil Club was founded on February 6, 1898, and has nearly 500 members. Its headquarters are at Kärnthnerring 10, Vienna. The officers are:—Honorary president, Count Gustav Potting-Persing; president, Count Carl Schönborn-Buckheim; vice-president, Herr Georg Goebel; secretary, Herr Josef Fellner, Kirchberggasse 7, Vienna. The subscription is 50 kronen, and the entrance fee is 60 kronen. Members of automobile Clubs with which reciprocal arrangements are in force may use the club premises for a period