Page:Motors and motor-driving (1902).djvu/48

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being first in the field belongs to Mr. Sturmey, who also did much to illustrate in this country the practical utility of the automobile by making a journey from Land's End to John o' Groat's in October 1897.

Mr. T. R. B. Elliot (who, on December 27, 1898, was the first to drive a motor vehicle, a three-and-a-half horsepower Panhard, in Scotland, and drove 1,250 miles before the Act was passed), and the Hon. C. S. Rolls, who acquired a three-and-a-half horse-power Peugeot in December 1896, are amongst others who followed the lead given by Mr. Ellis and Sir David Salomons, by driving motor vehicles on the English roads before the law of 1896 came into operation.

The later history of automobilism in the United Kingdom and other countries will be found in the chapters on the work of the various Automobile Clubs and on Records.