Page:Mount Seir, Sinai and Western Palestine.djvu/273

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  • "Abraham's Wells," 137.
  • Abu Suweirah, 37.
  • Acacia, the, 113.
  • Aceldama, marble cliffs of, 169.
  • Acomys dimidiatus, 132.
  • 'Ain Abu Bewireh, 181.
  • 'Ain Abu Werideh, 99, 212.
  • 'Ain el Akhdar, 55, 203.
  • 'Ain el Ghudyan, 82, 208.
  • 'Ain el Melh, 118.
  • 'Ain el Weibeh, 188.
  • 'Ain es Sultan, 161.
  • 'Ain Gharandel, 209.
  • 'Ain Huderah, 58.
  • 'Ain Jidi, 101, 128.
  • 'Ain Kadeis, 188.
  • Ajalon, Valley of, 150.
  • Ajrûd (Pi-hahiroth), 186.
  • Akabah, 71, 178, 179, 207.
  • Alowin tribe of Arabs, 79, 106, 120.
  • Ammoperdix Heyi, 62.
  • Anastatica hierochimdica, 48.
  • Anemone (A. coronaria), 141.
  • Arabia Petræa, sandstone of, 92.
  • Asdûd (Ashdod), 146.
  • Atbara, the, 16.
  • Ayun Mûsa, 30.
  • Azazimeh Arabs, 142, 215.


  • Bab-el-Wâdy, 173.
  • Bahera-el-Harriah, 46.
  • Bahr-el-Azrek, the, 16.
  • Babr Lut, El, 1, 97.
  • Baker, Sir S., 16.
  • Balanites Ægiyptiaca, 112.
  • Barbey, M., quoted, 178.
  • Bauerman, Mr., quoted, 30, 41, 179, 181.
  • Bedawins, character of, 120.
  • Beke, Dr., quoted, 57.
  • Bethany, 172.
  • Bethlehem, 157.
  • Beyrût, 175.
  • Bir es Saura, 206.
  • Bir es Sebâ, (Beersheba), 118, 136, 138.
  • Bitter Lakes, 186.
  • Brindisi, flora of, 8.
  • Burckhardt, Mr., 75.


  • Cairo, museum of, 23.
  • Calotropis procera, 112.
  • Calvary, site of, 190.
  • Capra bede, 53.
  • Chateaubriand, M., 108.
  • Cherith Valley, 162.
  • Citrullus Colocynthus, 34, 42.
  • Clypeasters, 22.
  • Conder, Capt., quoted, 138, 146, 151, 158, 160, 173, 190.
  • Coney, the, 53.
  • Cretaceous period, 184.


  • "Dabour" Arabs, 64.
  • David, Well of, 157.
  • Dawson. Prof. Sir J. W., 180.
  • Dead Sea (see Salt Sea).
  • Debbet er Ramleh, 62, 179.
  • Desert melon, 33, 42.
  • Desert partridges, 62.
  • Desert sandstone, 30, 40, 179.
  • Dhana, 213.
  • Doum palm, 71.
  • Drake, Mr., quoted, 106.