Page:Moyarra- An Australian Legend in Two Cantos, 1891.djvu/11

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Sir Frederick Barlee (who was Colonial Secretary of Western Australia for about twenty years) wrote to the Author of "Moyarra" —5th April, 1873—

"I write one line to thank you for the pleasure you afforded me in the perusal of 'Moyarra.' I really enjoyed it, and read it several times; and to those who know anything of the character of the Australian aboriginal, there is nothing overdrawn or far-fetched.

F. P. Barlee."


In utramque partem ingenium quid possit meum.
Si nunquam avare pretium statui arti meæ
Et eum esse quæstum in animum induxi maximum
Quam maxime servire vestris commodis;
Exemplum statuite in me, ut adolescentuli
Vobis placere studeant potius quam sibi.

Written with the foregoing heading, more than half a century ago, and intended for publication in England at that time, the following Legend is now printed in order that the writer may present copies to friends.

Few changes are needed in the prefatory words which were prepared for it in the early half of the nineteenth century. Most of them are as applicable now as they were then; and, written under impressions fresh and youthful, they may still fitly introduce my rhymes.

"No one has, so far as I know, attempted to depict the simple lives of that race which is now