Page:Moyarra- An Australian Legend in Two Cantos, 1891.djvu/31

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Those gentle feelings which alone
Are found where Love upbuilds his throne,—
Which can to trifles light impart
Grace unattained by measured art,
And, fill the soul with delicate sense
Of bliss, pervading and intense,—
Each moment ruled with grateful sway
Hearts which but throbbed such power to obey
Yes! if unnamed desires to guess,
To soothe the weary in distress,
Each fancied evil to beguile
With cheerful song or playful smile;
Expected joys to antedate.
To treasure brightest hours of fate.
And ever with remembrance dear
Suppress the sigh or starting tear;—
Yes! if such life be love—'twas proved
By Mytah and the one she loved.9
Aye! ye may smile whom fickle chance
Endows with wealth and arrogance;
Who deem that true love doth disdain
To quit refinement's courtly train.
But know! Love triumphs more in such
Harmonious response to his touch