Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1082

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with the prepared almonds. Fill the mould with alternate layers of slices of sponge cake, pieces of macaroon and ratafias. Beat the eggs well, add the milk, cream, wine, and a few drops of vanilla. Pour this into the mould, cover with a buttered paper, and let the mixture stand for 1 hour. Then steam from 1½ to 1¾ hours, and serve with fruit syrup, German or other suitable sauce. This pudding is exceedingly nice cold, with whipped cream as an accompaniment.

Time.—About 2½ hours. Average Cost, 2s. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.

1909.—SEMOLINA PUDDING. (Fr.Pouding de Semoule.)

Ingredients.—1½ pints of milk, 3 to 4 tablespoonfuls of semolina, 1 tablespoonful of moist sugar, 2 eggs, bay-leaf or other flavouring, salt.

Method.—Put the milk, with a good pinch of salt and the bay-leaf, into a stewpan; when boiling, sprinkle in the semolina and cook gently for 10 minutes, stirring meanwhile. Cool slightly, remove the bay-leaf, stir in the sugar, yolks of the eggs, and lastly the stiffly-whisked whites of the eggs. Turn into a buttered piedish, and bake gently from 25 to 30 minutes.

Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, 7d. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.

Note.—In place of bay leaf, lemon rind or cinnamon may be used.


Ingredients.—4 ozs. of finely-chopped beef suet, 4 ozs. of breadcrumbs, 4 ozs. of castor sugar, 4 ozs. of raisins, stoned and halved, 1 oz. of glacé cherries halved, 1 oz. of ground rice, 2 eggs, ½ a gill of milk, the grated rind of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoonfuls of apricot marmalade or jam, ½ a teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, salt.

Method.—Decorate the bottom and sides of a well-buttered mould or basin with some of the halved cherries and raisins. Put the remainder into a basin, add the suet, breadcrumbs, sugar, ground rice, lemon-rind, cinnamon, and a good pinch of salt. Beat the eggs, stir in the milk and marmalade, and when well mixed, add them to the dry ingredients and beat well. Pour the mixture into the prepared mould, cover with a buttered paper, and steam from 1¼ to 1½ hours. Serve with fruit syrup or suitable sweet sauce.

Time.—About 2 hours. Average Cost, 1s. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.


Ingredients.—3 eggs, their weight in flour, and the weight of 2 eggs in castor sugar and butter, essence of vanilla, or other flavouring.

Method.—Follow the directions given for making Canary Pudding. Turn the preparation into well-buttered dariols or cups, bake gently for 20 minutes, or until done, and serve with either jam or custard sauce. These puddings are sometimes served cold, with the