Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1142

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Time.—Altogether, about 2 hours. Average Cost, 1s. 9d. to 2s. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Seasonable at any time.

2074.—APPLES AND CREAM. (Fr.Pommes à la Chantilly.)

Ingredients.—2 lbs. of sour cooking apples, 5 ozs. of moist sugar, 1 lemon, ⅓ of a pint of cream.

Method.—Peel, core and slice the apples, place them in a jar with the thinly-cut rind of the lemon, 2 tablespoonfuls of water and the sugar, and cook on the stove or in the oven until tender. Pass through a hair sieve, add the lemon-juice, and more sugar, if necessary, and ¾ fill custard glasses with the preparation. Whip the cream stiffly, sweeten to taste, and pile lightly on the top of the apple purée.

Time.—From 1½ to 1¾ hours. Average Cost, 1s. 6d. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Seasonable at any time.


Ingredients.—6 apples, 6 ozs. of loaf sugar, ½ an oz. of leaf gelatine, 1 pint of boiling water, the thinly-cut rind of 1 lemon, 4 cloves, 1 white of egg, castor sugar, cochineal.

Method.—Peel and core the apples, place them in a stewpan large enough to allow them to stand side by side, pour over them the hot water, in which the loaf sugar has been previously dissolved, and add the lemon-rind and cloves. Cover, and stew very gently until the apples are tender, then remove them, brush the tops of them with white of egg, and sprinkle liberally with castor sugar. Add the gelatine to the contents of the stewpan, stir until dissolved, then strain into a basin, and colour red with cochineal. Place the apples in a deep glass dish, pour the syrup round, and put aside in a cold place until set.

Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, 10d. Sufficient for 4 or 5 persons. Seasonable at any time.

2076.—APRICOT COMPOTE. (See Compôte of Fruit, No. 2099, and Stewed Fruit, No. 2160.)

2077.—APRICOT MOULD. (Fr.Pain d'Abricot.)

Ingredients.—1½ pints of milk, 2 ozs. of ground rice, 1 oz. of castor sugar, 4 tablespoonfuls of apricot jam, or ½ gill apricot pulp, and ½ a gill of cream.

Method.—Bring the milk to boiling point, sprinkle in the ground rice, and simmer for about 10 minutes. Dilute the jam or pulp with a tablespoonful of hot water, and press it through a sieve or strainer into the