Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1303

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Method.—Pare and halve the marrow, remove the seeds, and slice thinly. Lay the slices on a large dish, covering each layer thickly with sugar, add the lemon-juice, and let the whole remain thus for 3 days. At the end of the time turn the preparation into a preserving-pan, add the lemon-rind and ginger, and ½ a pint of cold water to 3 lbs. of fruit, bring slowly to boiling point, continue the cooking until the slices of marrow are quite tender but not broken. Transfer carefully to an earthenware bowl, let it remain covered for 3 days, then lift the slices of marrow carefully into jars, and strain the syrup into a preserving-pan. Boil it to the "large pearl" degree (see No. 2268), pour it over the marrow, cover closely, and store in a dry, cool place.

Time.—Altogether, 6 days. Average Cost, 5d. per lb.

2604.—VEGETABLE MARROW, TO PRESERVE. (Another Method.)

Ingredients.—An equal weight of marrow and sugar. To each lb. of marrow allow ¼ of an oz. of whole ginger, and the grated rind and juice of ½ a lemon.

Method.—Prepare the marrow as in the preceding recipe, pile the slices on a large dish, with the sugar spread in layers, and allow it to remain thus until the following day. Then turn the whole into a preserving-pan, add the lemon-rind and lemon-juice, the ginger cut into small pieces, and boil very gently until the greater part of the moisture is absorbed. Turn into pots, cover closely, and store in a cool, dry place.

Time.—Altogether, 2 days. Average Cost, 4d. to 5d. per lb.


Ingredients.—White currants. To each pint of juice allow ¾ of a lb. of preserving sugar.

Method.—Pick the currants from the stalk, and put them into a jar. Place the jar in a saucepan of boiling water, simmer gently until the juice is extracted, then strain through a jelly-bag or fine cloth into a preserving-pan. To each pint allow from ¾ to 1 lb. of sugar, according to taste, and boil gently until the jelly quickly sets, when a little is poured on a cold plate. Turn into small pots, cover with tissue paper brushed over with white of egg, fasten securely, and keep the jelly in a cool, dry place.

Time.—About 1¼ hours. Average Cost, from 1s. 3d. to 1s. 6d. per lb.



Ingredients.—2¼ lbs. of thickly sliced apples, 1 lb. of brown sugar, ¾ of a lb. of sultanas, 2 ozs. of salt, ½ an oz. of mustard seeds, ½ an oz.